The business of storytelling

Have you ever thought about why you feel more connected to some businesses, community groups, or organisations more than others?

Why are you drawn to certain community groups, donate to specific charities or support your particular footy team?

What brings you back again and again to Peter and Jane's comfy coffee shop, the Papadopolous family's old green grocer, or the local sports club every Saturday despite them not winning a trophy since 1986?

While economics and convenience plays a role, the underlying reason we return again and again to a particular business often boils down to one thing, connection.

Connection comes in many forms and comes about in various ways, sometimes intentional, other times by chance.

Just about everyday we build connections to businesses to some degree. We build connections to the people, their products and their passion, and like any good relationship it starts with communication and storytelling.

Over time, you come to appreciate and value their principles and the story behind them.

You get to know them by name, they get to know yours. They regularly ask about your day and you ask about theirs.

“So how is your day going?” or “Did you watch the game last night?” or even on a much deeper level, “I’m really sorry for your loss.”

Connection creates trust and loyalty and helps build strong, supportive and understanding communities.

Peter and Jane found their love coffee after a backpacking trip through South America in 1998. They are passionate about sustainably sourced coffee beans. While, Mr Papadopolous came to Australia from Greece as seven year old not able to speak a word of English. He likes to help out the local food charity by donating his produce.

These are examples of local stories which resonate with local customers.

As a Perth business in 2024, you too can grow and cultivate trust, loyalty and connection with your customers and community through storytelling.

In today's fast-paced world, bigger audiences are satisfying their cravings for story and connection through podcasts and digital content.

Podcasts provide convenient, accessible, cost-effective, and on-demand alternatives to traditional media and entertainment.

Similarly, many local brands and businesses are now leveraging podcasts and creative storytelling to connect with their local communities.

Take the first step towards unlocking the full potential of your story - reach out to Perthspective today!

Let us help you craft a narrative that truly stands out and connects with your target audience in a meaningful way. Your story deserves to be heard - let us help you share it with the world.

Contact us now and discover how Perthspective can help you achieve your storytelling goals like never before!


Perthspective Productions teams up with Perth Soccer Club.


The Anti-Social Network - Battling the brain fog